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Sohaya Vision and

Mukul & Ghetto Tigers 

When one in two people are likely to get cancer over their lifetime, knowing what to do and how to deal with it becomes all the more important.


BODIES is an experimental, multi-media show that combines tragedy with comedy, weaving ancient and contemporary stories about dilemmas of the body, mind and people's experiences with cancer. 



The script for BODIES (written by Raminder Kaur) draws on life stories and experiences of cancer sufferers based in Crawley, West Sussex. Raminder also attended support groups and spoke to professionals involved in the care and treatment of cancer sufferers associated with cancer charities, the Olive Tree Centre and East Surrey Macmillan Centre. Research and Development performances took place at Brady Arts Centre and Crawley Hawth theatre in September and October 2018. 



Mukul Ahmed - Director

Tarun Jasani - Musical Director and Videography

Paul Micah - Lighting Designer

Christianna Mason - Designer

Rebecca Dorkins - Publicity & Crowdfunding Officer

Upasana Kadam - Stage Manager



Rez Kabir - Arjun 

Debbie White - Ruby

Shivani Sethia - Miss Uddin, Rita

Subhaluxmi Mukherji - Tina 

Sadia Afroz Chowdhury - Vocalist

Delwar Hossain Dilu - Muse


‘I was both moved and excited by all the stories I heard and tried to integrate them into a genuine and compelling piece of drama.’

Raminder Kaur 




'I think you did a difficult job in a very very fascinating way. There were bits that we could all connect with like the bit when they are in the room talking. There are some marvellous comedic moments in there. I’ve heard some of that stuff, but never done quite so well.'

Nicholas Owens, BBC journalist and presenter and President of Olive Tree Cancer Support Centre


'I found it very moving and very powerful...the application of this production goes across the spectrum of people's experiences of cancer as a patient and of relatives of people with cancer, we can relate to what we’ve seen this evening...A remarkable show.

Henry Smith, MP, chair of all-party parliamentary group on blood cancer


‘I liked the juxtaposition of the western approach to death and cancer and South Asian views. It is multilayered and complex...The singing was absolutely superb.’

Terry Adams, Arts Council England Relationship Manager


‘I found the play ultimately uplifting. I was apprehensive about what to expect and how the rather grim subject of cancer would be tackled. I walked away feeling positive and hopeful.’ 

Audience Member

Show Review


'It combines tragedy with comedy and a surreal parallel world that lends the play multi-layered meanings...And this is also what makes it highly unique and impressive. The play has in fact been scripted out of the stories shared by patients, doctors, nurses, cancer support centre operators who, from different perspectives have dealt with cancer...Raminder Kaur, the playwright, and Mukul Ahmed, the director, have then weaved these stories into a powerful and sensitive play that takes you inside their experiences and yet leave you with an uplifting smile.'

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Bodies Educational Material 

Supported by: Arts Council England,  Crawley Borough Council, Tower Hamlets Council, The University of Sussex Asia Centre, Brady Arts Centre, Crawley Hawth Theatre and Crawley Museum, Olive Tree Cancer Support Centre,The Macmillan Breast Care team, Crawley Breast Cancer Support Group, Headwrappers, Shine Cancer Support

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Photography by: Tarun Jasani, David Dawes Film by: Tarun Jasani with support from Inward Arts Website by: Siân Aggett
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